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Messaggi attuali

20. 07 23

Onorificenza dell’Ordine al Merito: Un grande capitano d’industria

Sabato 15 luglio a Coburg, Dr. Markus Söder, primo ministro bavarese, ha conferito a Thomas Kaeser, presidente del consiglio di amministrazione della società Kaeser Kompressoren, l’Ordine al Merito bavarese.

Kaeser Marine Kompressoren

10. 08 22

Kaeser Kompressoren at SMM 2022: Compressed air ahoy!

Dependable, energy-saving operation, coupled with highly reliable service, makes rotary screw compressors and blowers from Kaeser Kompressoren a perfect match for applications aboard ocean-going vessels. Highly efficient solutions are available, whatever your requirements.

When it comes to compressed air on board a vessel, a reliable supply is one of the most important factors. Kaeser Marine Service ensures help is always available in the event of an issue, as well as for regular service intervals – wherever in the world you may be.

The use of dual-fuel (DF) propulsion systems offers modern vessel operators decisive advantages when it comes to achieving a progressive and leading market position. As a future-oriented owner, why not double your lead by installing the most energy-efficient and cost-effective nitrogen system available on board your ship? With its SK/ASK/ASD-series rotary screw marine compressors, Kaeser can provide the perfect solution.

The FBS rotary screw blower from Kaeser represents the next milestone in the development of oil-free compression blower technology, designed especially with water industry applications in mind.

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